Selasa, 15 November 2016

Pilgrimage Tourism to Pintu Seribu (Thousand Doors) Mosque

So, just like the title above, this post is going to talk about my personal experience visiting Masjid Pintu Seribu or Thousand Doors Mosque in Banten.

Masjid Pintu Seribu

I visited Masjid Pintu Seribu around 6 years ago with my family and my mama's friends. I remember we visited 3 places, but i only remember the two places, Masjid Pintu Seribu and Masjid Agung Banten Lama, i'm not sure about the third place but i remember it was a cemeteries of one (or probably more than one) of the Wali Songo but again i dont remember whose it was. But, here, in this post, i will only talk about Masjid Pintu Seribu.

Located in Kampung Bayur, Kelurahan Peruk Jaya, Kecamatan Periuk, Tangerang, Banten. This mosque actually named Nurul Yaqin Mosque, but people calls it Pintu Seribu because there are so many doors there.

Front Door of Masjid Pintu Seribu

This mosque was built in 1978 by the late Syeikh Al-Bakhir Mahdi, a Middle-eastern descent. People there called him Al-Faqir. There is no blue-print of the building design. People calls it Pintu Seribu because there are so many doors that no one knows the exact number of the total doors. 

The tourists, that seek for spiritual experience, usually come here on Islamic Day, such as Prophet Muhammad's Birthday, Isra Mi'raj, and even near Ramadhan and also on Sunday or other vacation days.

When you come to this mosque, you will guided around the mosque, the room is parted so it looks like mushalla rather. You will also see that the mosque has special ornaments on its walls. Almost in every walls are written 999 that means 99 for Asmaul Husna (Allah's Name) and the other 9 is for the total number of Wali Songo, who are Sunan Gresik, Sunan Ampel, Sunan Derajad, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Giri, Sunan Kudus, Sunan Muria, and Sunan Gunung Jati. Once i got inside the mosque i thought that this mosque is not yet completed, besides, it was very dark inside. 

The door to the giant tasbih

The 999 Ornament

inside the mosque

and then you will be brought to a crypt where a huge prayer beads (tasbih) is placed. The huge tasbih is made from wood with the diameter of each beads is 10 centimeters. This room used to be a place where Al-Faqir do dziqr. When you are in this room, the guide will turn off the lamp and also the flashlight, he will also ask you to not to turn any source of light, so it was very dark, he ask you to imagine how it is like to be in grave which is very narrow and dark, then he will ask you to pray to God in silence and darkness. Not a few people who cry because they are reminded of death. From the crypt, you will be brought to a huge place to pray together (shalat jamaah).

I think Masjid Pintu Seribu might not be as luxurious and as great as other mosque, but it worth visiting if you want to have spiritual experience. It wil give you a whole new experience that you probably wont get anywhere else. 

the passage to the crypt


Opinion and Critique(s )

For me, this pilgrimage tourism does good to both the tourist and the local people in the area of the mosque. For those who seek for spiritual experiences, this mosque is a must to visit because it offers you a whole new spiritual experience. As being said above, you will be taken to a crypt and there, they will ask you to imagine how it is like to be in a grave, your only company is your good deeds. For some people, this kind of experience will have a great impact in their lives. Also, local people there are able to turn this into a chance, for example, I saw many people sells flashlights and offers it to the tourists. This refers to the fact that the crypt of the mosque is very dark, so tourist will need flashlights to light their way. Furthermore, local people can also use this opportunity to sell foods, snacks, drinks, etc for the tourist who visit Masjid Pintu Seribu. This way, local people ther could elevat their condition economically. Actually I think there are many other chances that can be made from this.

As the saying goes by, good things and bad things are bound to be together, this pilgrimage tourism in Masjid Pintu Seribu is indeed having several good impact, but we cannot deny the fact that this also has bad impacts. Personally, I think the bad impacts are:
          1.      The mosque is located is the middle of densely populated village. Everyday tourists come to visit the Mosque, in my opinion this can affecting in minimum of personal space for local people. Local people can hardly has their personal space because of the crowd.
           2.      Kids will also have less space to play.
         3.      Some kids are even sells something to the tourists. This is not fully bad, actually this can be good. The kids are just helping their parents by selling something, but if it is gone too far to the point of exploitation, then it is undoubtedly worst.

pic by google