Senin, 27 Maret 2017

(A Poem) The Peeping Girl

Have you ever seen a painting by a French artist, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, named Dance in the Country?
This is the painting

The painting shows a man and a woman who dance happily. But, can you notice the peeping woman in the back? Yes, there is a peeping girl in the back. If you see the picture carefully, you will find the peeping girl in the left side of the painting, she sadly looking at the couple who is dancing happily.

The peeping girl in the painting

This painting has inspired me to make a poem, and i decided to make the title of the poem as The Peeping Girl. Love is never a boring thing to talked about, isn't it? 

The Peeping Girl

Sitting on a couch, daydreaming
Staring at the ceiling, night-thinking
Why it couldn't be me?
The one whom you always see

From far I look at you
With my heart that is so blue
you are there delightly smiling
Looking at her who is happily talking

From far I look at you in despair
Then I realized that love's never been fair
I'm wondering, have I ever committed sins?
To make the cupid caused all these scenes?

The smile your face make
Brings me to this mistake
Making my mind goes whirl
And turn me to a peeping girl


Movie Review: Interstellar (2014)

Interstellar is a 2014 science-fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan (also the director of Inception film). The film stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Bill Irwin, Ellen Burstyn, John Lithgow, Michael Caine, and Mackenzie Foy.

Interstellar (2014) Official Trailer


Set in the future (around 60 years from now) where the condition of our earth is not possible to be a living place anymore where the only crops is corn, other plant has extincted because of the climate change, bad condition of the soil, and populated air which is not healthy anymore even for human, thus the humanity is struggling to survive here.

Cooper's Family House

Furthermore, corn is nearly extinct because of the continuous climate change. The only solution to save the entire humanity is to look for another planet to live. In that era, technology is not important anymore, every people lives humbly and all they care is just food. That's why almost every people's job is farming corns, and also for that reason NASA works secretly.
One day after dust storm happened, little Murphy (Mackenzie Foy) finds a coordinate and shows it to her father, Joseph Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) who is a former pilot of NASA. She and her father then follow the coordinate and find NASA secret headquarters. There they meet Amalia Brand (Anne Hathaway) and her father, John Brand (Michael Caine) who is a professor, and other astronauts. They explain that they are working on a solution to find a new planet to live and they convince Cooper to be the main pilot of this mission. Cooper agrees, but Murphy does not allowed her father to go because she knows that it will take him forever to come back, and also the 'ghost' in her room tells her to convince her father to stay by giving a Morse code. Nevertheless, Cooper still leaves.

Cooper, Brand, 2 other astronauts, and 2 robots go through the blackhole to get to the planets. The first planet they visit is Prof. Miller's planet which is the nearest planet to the blackhole. They find out that Prof. Miller is already dead upon their arrival in the planet. An hour in the planet, equals seven years in the earth. They determined to go out of the planet as soon as possible, but an accident happened, they need around three hours to go out of the planet which means more or less than 21 years in the earth.
Planet Miller

After that, their fuel is only enough to visit one planet. They need to choose one between two planets, and they decide to go for Prof. Mann planet. Arriving in the planets, the find Prof. Mann is still alive and is hibernating in the capsule without setting an alarm to wake up. They wake him up. Later they find out that Prof. Mann has been sending fake information about his planet, it turns out that his planet is not a planet that can be inhabited by human. Prof. Mann then tries to kill Cooper -because he wants to come back to earth by the Endurance ship- but fails.

Planet Mann

Shortly, Cooper is trapped in the 5 dimension space. He can communicate with Murphy by sending her Morse code,  and the 'ghost' that gives Murph "STAY" code is not a ghost but him. Grown up Murph (Jessica Chastain) then understand the code he sends. Later Cooper wakes up in a hospital room, he is 124 years old but still look middle-aged. He is in Cooper Station, orbited around planet Saturn, he meets Murphy, now a grandma.

Thoughts on This Film

For me, this is a very good film. The cinematography is god's work -at least for me-. The sound effect is success to make me feel thrilled, the film effect is very amazing, they make it look as realistically as possible. Even though I could not really understand some scenes, but that will not make me change my mind that this science-fiction film is a very good film. For me, the story of the film is not actually fiction, for now it might be a fiction, but who knows for 50 years in the future? This could happen to our earth. If we think about it, the most noticeable change in our planet is climate change, and with the global warming thing of course. In my opinion, there is a very important value behind this film, it is how we must appreciate our earth.
The conflict between Murphy and her father is very touching. This makes me realize that time is the most important thing in our lives. We cannot turn back time, so we have to spend it wisely with those who love us, especially our family. This film makes me want to spend more time with my family. This also shows me how great a father's love is. I could not lie that my mind goes to my father when I am watching this film.
The ending is quite sad for me, because, can you imagine meeting your little daughter again after those years but your little daughter is a grandmother now and you are 124 years old but still look pretty much the same as when you left her? It is vice versa for the daughter. From My point of view, as i am a daughter so pretty much thinking that it must be so sad to grow up without your father. To be married without you father, and on top of that, to be in a situation that you dont know whether you father is alive or not. The drama between dad and daughter is very touching for me. I will rate this film as 9/10.

Main Casts

Matthew McConaughey as Cooper 

Anne Hathaway as Dr. Amelia Brand

Jessica Chastain as Murphy

Mackenzie Foy as young Murphy

Ellen Burstyn as elderly Murphy

My favorite touching scene of the film

pic source: tumblr

Minggu, 26 Maret 2017

Haiku Poems

'Haiku' is a traditional Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. Usually, the total syllables of all lines in Haiku poems are not more than 15 syllables. The lines are  also rarely rhyme.

My Haiku Poems 

We fated to meet
While crossing 
Our own paths
(Sat/9/4/16. 10.24)

My heart
Turns so blue
Every time I look at you
(Sat/9/4/16. 20.22)

The four letters
Which stole my heart
(Fri/8/4/16. 13.37)

Every time I'm with you
Times' stop
And I love it
(Sun/10/4/16. 20.22)

Those rainbows
aren't as beautiful 
as your brows
(Mon/27/3/17. 13.09)

I don't know
Why am I always got lost
In your eyes
(Mon/24/4/17. 13:00)

Your eyes is pretty, It's obviously
Your eyes is the sea
 Drowned me easily
(Mon/24/4/17. 13:07)

You smell like land, wetted by rain
that distinct scent
Haunt me till the end
(Mon/23/4/17. 13:18)

You are the spring, and I'm a leaf
I will only bloom
When you come
(Mon/24/4/17. 13:22)

It's raining again
and I'm smiling
(Mon/24/4/17. 13:35)

pic source: tumblr



Title                 : Part 2 - How to Conduct Successful Meeting
Published date : June, 30th 2014
Published by   : United Teachers 

Results of The Analysis

This video is about United Teachers Los Angeles and The American Federation of Teachers present Part 2 in a series on "How to Conduct a Successful Meeting". This video shows how an organized meeting can achieve consensus and accomplish the goals set by the agenda.
There are many reasons why this video can be an example of a good and effective meeting. Below are the explanations:

1.  All participants already got the agenda, so they know what is going to be discussed.
2. The leader of the meeting opens the meeting with greeting everyone and recalls the decision of the last meeting.
3. The leader also tells the rules of the meeting so participants will pay the attention to the meeting issues which is about choosing the education technology media for student between iPad and PCs because the district open it up so that the meeting can make some changes to how they did their budget of three hundred dollars for student.
4.   Then the leader asks the participant one by one to give the opinion about the issues they have. Therefore, there is no monopoly in the meeting because all participants of the meeting have the same rights to share their opinion. Besides, when one person is telling his or her opinion, the others listen it carefully and appreciate the opinion.
5.  The leader of the meeting controls the meeting very well so the meeting run conductively.
6.  The leader gives advice or alternative idea for each opinion that the participants deliver in the meeting.
7.  The arguments based on fact and not emotional opinions.
8.  When the decision has been made, the leader asks all participants if there is anybody that could not live with the decision or are they have any other thing they want to talk.
9.   The leader close the meeting with concluding the result of the meeting.

Based on its purpose, we can conclude that the meeting is a problem solving meeting. Because, the purpose of the meeting is to solve the problems about education technology media for student. Meanwhile, based on the characteristics of a successful meeting, this meeting can be categorized as successful meeting, because the meeting is organized, focused on the topic, all participants give opinion and the decision is taken by all participants.

Discussed by: Asri, Ismadanti, Margaretha, Rahmaluttifah, Talitha, and Stacia (3SA01)

Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Business Meeting

Asri, Ismadanti, Margaretha, Rahmaluttifah, Stacia, Talitha (3SA01)

A meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing information or reaching agreement. Meetings may occur face-to-face or virtually, as mediated by communications technology, such as a telephone conference call, a Skype conference call or a video conference.
Meeting is also one of the major media of oral communication. It is essentially important for every organization. The basic objective of meeting is to take decisions on some predetermined issues. It has also some other purposes. The objectives or purposes of meeting are discussed below:
  1. To solve the problem
    An important purpose of meeting is to provide solution to organizational problems. Problems that are critical and require opinions of most of the members of a board or council must be solved by calling meeting. In meeting diverse thoughts are found that help to face problem suitably.
  2. To give information
    Meeting is arranged also to provide information to the audience about various matters of the organization. Audience also exchange information in meetings.
  3. As a democracy forum
    The participants of the meeting are expected to participate in the problems that being discussed
  4. As a good coordination media between the participants of the meeting (employees) and the organization/ company
  5. As a negotiation media
    Meeting is also called for making negotiations between the conflicting parties through fruitful discussion. Sometimes employers and employees or trade union leaders sit in meeting together to reach on some agreement so that organizational activities can be run smoothly.
  6. As a media to forming regulations

Types of meeting

1. Based on its purpose
  • Explanation meeting, a meeting that is held to give an explanation to the meeting participant. In explanation meeting, the meeting participant are not only listen the explanation from the meeting leader but also give a chance to ask question.
  • Problem solving meeting, is a meeting to solve the problem that being faced. In this meeting, the role of the audience is important to give advice or opinion. The conclusion of all the idea or opinion of the meeting is the way to solve the problem.
  • Negotiation meeting, a meeting that is held to negotiate a dispute or to find an alternative solution (win-win solution).
2. Based on its characteristics
  • Formal meeting, is a pre-planned event where two or more people come together to discuss specific matters for the purposes of achieving a specific goal. Formal meetings have a formal agenda, conducted by a chairperson, and takes place at a pre-planned place at a particular time.
  • Informal meeting, a meeting that is more casual and less planning is involved.  Informal meetings have no formal requirements, have no agenda, and can take place anywhere, such as a restaurant or a coffee shop. Usually this meeting is held to discuss the unpredictable things which have to be solve right away. Therefore the audience attend the meeting by direct invitation.
  • Open meeting, a meeting that is attend by all employees and the topic of the meeting is not confidential.
  • Closed meeting, a meeting that is attend by only certain people and the topic of the meeting is confidential.
3. Based on its periods

  • Weekly meeting, a meeting that is held once a week and it usually discusses about routinely matters.
  • Monthly meeting, a meeting that is held once a month and it usually discusses about things that happened in the previous month.
  • Evenly meeting, a meeting that is held once in 6 months. It usually discusses about things that happened 6 months ago and programs that will be held in the next 6 months.
  • Yearly meeting, a meeting that is held once in a year. For examples, stakeholder meeting, councils meeting etc.
4. Based on its frequency
  • Routinely meeting, a meeting that the time is already set. It is usually held frequently. For examples, weekly meeting, monthly meeting etc.
  • Incidentally meeting, a meeting that is not scheduled first. It usually discusses about incident and important things that should be done together.

What makes a good meeting? 
  1. Appreciate the opinion of the participants
  2. There is no monopoly in the meeting, all the participants of the meeting have the same rights to share their opinion
  3. The participants of the meeting must be properly prepared and be active to solve the problems that being discussed in the meeting
  4. The leader of the meeting must control the meeting in order to run conductively
  5. Giving an argument which based on facts, and not an emotional opinion
  6. Time discipline, means that the meeting runs exactly as meeting itinerary or stick to the agenda

What are the characteristics of a successful meeting?

1. Clarity of mandate, purpose, issues, and process
Clarity will help you to discuss and make decisions in a deliberate and confident manner.

2. Participation protocol and etiquette 

The more contentious and the larger the meeting gets, the more important it is to establish participation protocol and etiquette. This will help to ensure fairness and will give the audience equal opportunities to participate and influence the group's decision.

3. Productivity and forward movement
A good meeting moves forward at an appropriate pace (not to fast and not too slow), allowing members to make timely progress along a predefined agenda. At the conclusion of such a meeting, members leave with a sense of accomplishment and renewed enthusiasm and commitment.

4. Flexibility and creative thinking
In a successful meeting a good balance is created between structure and flexibility establishing the structures for a meeting (agenda, time limits, participation protocol and etiquette) is important. At the same time, departures form a pre-established plan may be needed when a group is bogged down and is not making progress.

5. Quality discussions and decision making
The success of a meeting is ultimately measured by the quality of the decisions made in it.

6. Openness, listening and collaboration

If meeting time is to be spent in a meaningful way, members must come with an open mind. They should be prepared to learn from others, regardless of how new to the organization they are, and regardless of how objectionable their view may be. Everyone must work as a cohesive team, to advance mandate of the entire organization. The board interest must take precedence over any single interest that a member may represent or believe in.

7. Balance, inclusion, and equality 

Balance in meetings means that an "even playing field" is created, whereby each member has the same opportunity to speak, share the thoughts, and influence the decisions. It means we must make it easy, comfortable, and safe for as many members as possible to participate. It does not mean everyone will speak, but those who have a new piece information or a fresh perspective to share will find an opening to do so.

8. Shared responsibility 

Shared responsibility means that each member is proactive and empowered and knows when to speak up or take action and when to sit back and allow things to unfold. It also means that each member maintains high commitment levels to the organization and contributes willingly, actively, and enthusiastically towards achieving its mandate, without having to be asked to do it.
Shared responsibility also means that "suffering is optional". If a meeting is not going well and all the facilitator is doing nothing about it (or may even be worse) members should not suffer quietly. Instead, they should raise concerns about the issues and the decision-making process.

9. Variety and a light touch
Meetings can be varied, dynamic, engaging, and invigorating. They can even be fun. Variety can and should be introduced to help make a meeting an event to look forward to, not something to dread or want to avoid. 

10. Logistical support 

In a good meeting, no one notices the logistical details. Everything is there when and where you need it. The room setup is appropriate. The temperature is comfortable, the lightning level is just right, and the ventilation works. The room offers private and distraction-free environment. Audiovisual aids function like clockwork. Refreshment and meals are tasty, healthy, and sufficient, and are served unobtrusively, exactly when needed. 

Business Communication. 2015. What is Business Meeting? Purposes of Business Meeting.
     (retrieved on March 14, 2016).
Endang R., Sri, Sri Mulyani, & Suyetty. (2008). Modul Mengelola Pertemuan Rapat. Jakarta:
     Penerbit Erlangga.
Mina, Eli. (2002). The Business Meetings Sourcebook: A Practical Guide to Better Meetings and
     Shared Decision Making. New York: AMACOM (American Management Association).
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2009. Meeting and Conventions Planners. (retrieved on March 14, 2016).