Sabtu, 18 November 2017

Tugas 3 PBIBK

Name: RahmaLuttifah
NPM: 18614784
Class: 4SA01

Choose the incorrect one

Question A
7. If a crisis occurs, those unfamiliar with the procedures wouldn't know how
                                        B                                                                C
to handle the situation.

The answer is A. occurs.
A. Occurs is incorrect, it should be OCCURRED (in past form) because the sentence above is an IF CONDITIONAL sentence type 2, which the pattern should be IF + SIMPLE PAST ---> PRESENT CONDITIONAL (S + WOULD/WOULD NOT + V1 + O)

Revised: If a crisis occurred, those unfamiliar with the procedures wouldn't know how to handle the situation.

Question B
8. Mary had to balanced her account very carefully because she had only little money
                                                                  B                            C                      D

The answer is A. balanced
A. balanced is incorrect for it is initialized by modal 'had to' therefore, it should be BALANCE (in present form) because modals always followed by V1.

Revised: Mary had to balance her account because she had only little money.

Question C
4. Tom and his sister studies biology last year, and so is Jean.
            A                        B                        C                   D

(In this question I have two answers in mind)
The first answer is B. studies
B. studies is incorrect because it should be STUDIED (in past form) since the adverb 'last year' indicates that the sentence is a simple past tense sentence.

The second answer is D. so is Jean
D. so is Jean is incorrect because it should be SO DID JEAN (in past form) the fact that the sentence uses simple past tense is the reason for it because in using such form of agreement we have to use the same form of tense to the tense of the statement with which we are agreeing.

Revised: Tom and his sister studied biology last year, so did Jean.