Jumat, 28 April 2017

10 Things I (or We) Can Learn from Beauty and the Beast ❤

It's safe to say that Beauty and the Beast film is 2017 most anticipated film by Disney fandom right?

Tale as old as time ðŸŒ¹

What happen when the last petal falls?

I, myself is a hardcore fan of Disney. I believe we all are. Like, who doesn't love Disney? 
So, when I found out that 2017 would be the year of Beauty and the Beast live action film to premier, I was so happy, and on top of that, the fact that Belle would be played by Emma Watson, made me even happier, because Emma is my all-time favorite actress . Again, I'd like to assumed, who doesn't love Emma? plus, not to mention how hot Dan Steven is!

Beauty and the Beast live action film (2017) is a remake of Disney's animated film (1991) of the same title. Starring Emma Watson as Belle, Dan Steven as Beast, Luke Evans as Gaston, Josh Gad as LeFou and many others. And I personally think they made a great job at casting the casts. 

Set in a fiction village named Villeneuve, Beauty and the Beast tells story about a beautiful girl, who likes to read and is always dreams of adventures, falls in love to a Beast, who is actually not a beast, but a Prince cursed as a monstrous beast because of his arrogance. 

Beauty and the Beast comes with great moral values, so here are things (I think) we can learn from the film:

1. It's Okay To be Different

In the early part of the film, when belle is walking around the village with a book on her hands and singing the ost. titled "Belle" there is lyrics which shows how the villagers think that Belle is strange, peculiar, and weird because her hobby is reading. 

Look there she goes the girl is so peculiar
I wonder if she's feeling well
With a dreamy far-off look
And her nose stuck in a book
What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle

The lyrics above is just an example of how Belle is seen as a peculiar girl of the villagers just because she is different that the rest of them. But, Belle teaches us to embrace our own 'peculiarity' by not taking their opinion to the heart. She doesn't change herself just to fit in the society. I think everyone agree that diversity is what makes us beautiful. It's okay to be different, just because you're not like them all, doesn't mean that you are 'strange' or 'wrong'. I'm trying to apply this mindset as well!

2. Be Kind, Always

Still in the early part of the film, it shows how the Prince cursed to be a Beast by the enchantress. The Beast is cursed because of his arrogance, because he doesn't give the beggar-disguised-enchantress a shelter from the winter storm. This teaches us that we have to be kind, always, to anyone in every chance given. I think this is important, some people be kind only to someone that they think 'worth', this idea is a total wrong. Be kind is the most basic thing to do as a human-being. Also the way Belle treats the villagers nicely despite their opinion towards her (simple reminder that they think she is 'peculiar') is also an example of how we have to be kind to everyone. 

3. Read!

Reading is something that I hardly do. I prefer to watch a film rather than reading a book. But, sometimes, there is some time that i want to read, and I actually like the view of piling books. It's just that I am a lazy person, but Belle open my eyes about reading, about how much we have to crave for knowledge, because basically knowledge is something that we can never feel enough of. Like, reading is a window to the world how can you not like reading? but yeah, I am trying to read as much as I can now, because I realize how reading a book can change you life, change your point of view towards life, and even change your entire mindset. I'm working on it. "Your library makes our small corner of the world feel big" -Belle

4. Parents Will Always Willing to Sacrifice Anything For Their Kids

Beauty and the Beast shows that parents will give their kids anything they want whatever it takes. This portrays by how hard Maurice's (Belle's father) effort to get a rose that Belle wants. He sacrificed himself to be jailed in the Beast's castle just because he wants to take home a rose to give to Belle. Furthermore, he left his own wife to die of a disease because he doesn't want Belle to get the disease (even though it is also by his wife command) can you imagine how painful it is? This shows that parents will always willing to sacrifice anything for their kids.

5. Always Put You Parents Before Anything

Responding to the point 4, Belle sacrifice her freedom to be jailed in the castle because she wants her father to be freed. She takes her father's place. Beauty and the Beast teaches that we, as a child must put our parents before anything. Parents ought to be your-always-number-one. I think everyone of us wants to be a filial child, don't we? For me, the very first thing to do to be a filial child is to putting our parents as priority. The older I get the more I realize that my time to be with my parents is reduced, so to be honest, every time I have days off I will try my best to spend it with my parents, like even though we don't do anything. Because I want to make up for the lost times, but yeah I never feel enough of it.

6. You Can't Force 'Love'

Notice how hard Gaston tries to make Belle fall in love with him? Gaston is a decent guy I think, He is funny, he has many friends, very masculine guy he is. Despite the fact that he is too narcisstic and is a bully. Yet, Belle falls in love with a 'beast' who she just met. This is a 'concrete' example of how we can't force to love or to be loved by someone. We fall in love without knowing how, sometimes to a person whom we never thought of. But, sometimes, all we have to do is open our eyes and see what's around instead of longing for someone who doesn't even glance back at us. Frankly, Gaston is too much right? But yeah, nothing's wrong with trying. Gotta give it all for Gaston's effort!

7. Look Deeper Than You Can See

You have to look deeper than you can see. In this case, Belle shows an example of how she looks at Beast beyond his appearance. Beast might look monstrous, frightening, and intimidating on the outside, but Belle takes the time to get to know him, to befriends him, and everything comes clear that actually Beast has a kind heart, he shares the same hobby as her, he is a good listener, he is funny. He just need someone to believe that he is not like how he appears. We just need to give someone chances!

8. True Love Comes When You Least Expected It

Belle comes to Beast's castle to look for his missing father. It turns out that his father is locked by the Beast. She takes her father's place. She is locked in the castle. She hates the Beast. Beast hates her. But eventually, they get closer and closer. They fall in love. Who would ever thought that one will fall in love with someone who locked oneself? Well, Belle shows that everything is possible. Also, another value we have to learn is that Belle doesn't fall in love to Beast because of his appearance. Belle falls in love to Beast's heart. Turns out that the Beast is a prince charming!

9. Love Can Conquer All 

The enchantress says that true love will break the spell. The curse will be broken only if he find someone who loves him for who he is, it will wear off if he find his true love. Finally he find the true love. Belle is his true love. Notice how he let Belle go to save his father, although he aware of the possibility that she will never come back again to him. That is true love. Also notice how he change to be so bright when he sees Belle when he is fighting Gaston, While actually before Belle came, he looked so gloomy. After Belle came and he 'regained' his power he finally can beat Gaston.

10. Say It!

Everyone knows that Belle and Beast have fallen in love with each other, probably since the moment they talk in the rose garden. It becomes clearer when they dance. Even Gaston realizes that Belle is in love with Beast the moment he saw how Belle takes Beast side instead of his and the villagers's side. But having the love is not enough to break the spell. Belle has to say it out loud. Belle has to say 'I Love You' to Beast. Finally, when beast shot by Gaston and she thought that he is died, she tell Beast that she loves him. The word 'I Love You' come out of Belle's mouth, Agathe (the enchantress) saw the scene and change Beast to how he actually is--a prince. They kiss! Happy ending! Therefore, you need to say it. Like, how can you expect someone to understand how you feel if you don't say it? We are all human, we don't have superpower to read minds, do we? 

Here is more pictures edited beautifully by fans

pic source: tumblr

Kamis, 27 April 2017

(Tugas Softskill) Meeting Invitation: Logo Meeting

Depok, 26th April 2017

All of Head Divisions
PT Tasty Kingdom

Subject: Logo Company Meeting

I announce you to attend the meeting in discussing our new company logo. The meeting will be held on 27th April 2017, starting from 09.00 a.m. until 11.00 a.m.  It will take place at Meeting Room 1 on the 1st floor.  Please ensure that you are on time for the meeting.

I have enclosed two additional documents which the design of our new company logo and the meeting agenda. This meeting is very important to decide our new logo based on our company vision. Therefore, your attendance will be a great help to the process of the meeting.

I look forward to see you on the meeting.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Ismadanti Putri

Asri Jul Megita
Ismadanti Putri
Margaretha Agustine
Stacia Dara
Talitha Rahma

Minggu, 23 April 2017

Keys To Be Successful At The Young Age

Billy Boen spills the tea about the tips to be successful at the young age through his book "Young On Top: 35 Kunci Sukses di Usia Muda".

pic: self-owned 

I believe that every one of us wants to be a successful person, and on top of that, at the youngest age possible. To reach success at the young age is not an impossible thing. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder), David Karp (Tumblr founder), Pete Cashmore (Mashable founder), and any more, they reach success point at the age of 24-25. If being successful at the young age is an impossible thing, then, they will never be success as they are right now. Everything is possible, but of course we have to work extra hard to reach that point. J.K Rowling once said that "Anything is possible if we've got enough nerve to do so!".

I will share some keys to be successful at the young age that I cite from Billy Boen "Young On Top: 35 Kunci Sukses di Usia Muda" book. But, first let's take a look at a short profile of Billy Boen.

Billy Boen, born in Jakarta 38 years ago, is an Indonesian entrepreneur. At a relatively young age, He was a leader in some companies. In 2005, when he was 26 year-old, he was appointed to be general manager (GM) of PT. Oakley Indonesia and was the youngest Oakley GM that time. In late 2006, together with Rudhy Buntaram, owner of Optik Seis, he built his first company, PT. jakarta International management (JIM). (wikipedia)

Now moving on to the tips, Billy Boen listed 35 keys to be successful at the young age, but I will not share all of them (you have to buy the book to read all of them :P), I will generally share some, so here is the main keys to be successful at the young age:

1. Do What You Love & Love What You Do

In order to be success, you have to do what you love because doing something that is not your passion is hard and it will be harder to give your best. But, if you are doing what you love, even though it is hard, you will always find a way through and you will always happy in doing that. Thus, knowing what your passion is, is the key! never give up in finding things that set your soul on fire!

2 Integrity

Having integrity is no less important. In achieving you want, you need integrity. Integrity will make you do every thing honestly and consistently.

3. Dream & Think BIG

Don't be afraid of dreaming big things! Don't think that you will never reach that! Believe in those dreams and work your hardest to reach that.

4. Confidence

Having a big dream is a waste if you have no confidence. Being confident is important. If you have a big dream, you also need a high self-confidence. Thus, when you have worked your hardest to reach that dream you will success. Trust yourself. "What the mind can conceive, the man can achieve" -Clemente Stone

5. Never Give Up

Never give up to pursuit you dream. Give up is for looser. A winner is the one who never give up. Falling six times, getting up seven times. The way to a successful life is never an easy road. You will always find obstacles, but the key is to never give up.

6. Positive Thinking

Because basically think positively in every chance given will make you less anxious about everything. Thinking positively will make you capable in destroying 'walls' no matter how sturdy and big the 'walls' are.

7. Creativity

Creativity is not only needed in a creative aspect jobs. In almost every job, creativity is always needed. Whatever your job is, creativity will take you one step ahead. In order to be successful in every thing you do, you have to be creative. Start think creatively from now!

8. Learn from Mistakes

Every one of us makes mistakes, obviously. The difference is successful people learns from the mistakes they did. Mistakes will be mistakes if you don't take them as education for you. Don't be afraid in making mistakes. Even Thomas Alva Edison makes thousand of failed experiments before finally invented a lamp.

9. Extra Mile

"Keep challenging yourself, and make sure you always perform beyond expectation" -Billy Boen. Take one step ahead of others, don't limit yourself. Go out of your comfort zone, because there will be nothing achieved from your comfort zone.

10. Keep Searching

And the last keys that I will share is this. Billy Boen said that we have to keep searching for more knowledge. Don't easily satisfied with what you get. Sometimes being greedy (in positive ways) is good.

There you go 10 main keys to be successful at the young age I cited from Billy Boen's book. Generally, we all have different ways in defining success, but hope this can help you more or less to achieve your own definition-of-success. Be fearless to pursuit what makes your heart thumping hardly!

pic: tumblr

Rabu, 19 April 2017

(Tugas Softskill) Meeting Invitation Letter

Depok, 17th April 2017

Head of Marketing and Finance Division
PT Tasty Kingdom

I announce you to attend the meeting in welcoming our new staffs and discuss their jobs based on their applications and job tasks. The meeting will take place on 18th April 2017, starting from 10.00 a.m. until 12.00 a.m.  It will be held at Meeting Room 3 on the 2nd floor. Please ensure that you are on time for the meeting.

I have enclosed two additional documents which provide some background information of our new staffs and the meeting agenda will also be sent to you shortly. This meeting is very important to make our new staffs work well in our company. Therefore, your attendance will be a great help to the process of the meeting.

I look forward to see you on the meeting.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Ismadanti Putri

Softskill Group Assignment. (3SA01)
Asri Jul Megita
Ismadanti Putri R
Margaretha Agustine S
Stacia Dara
Talitha Rahma