Minggu, 23 April 2017

Keys To Be Successful At The Young Age

Billy Boen spills the tea about the tips to be successful at the young age through his book "Young On Top: 35 Kunci Sukses di Usia Muda".

pic: self-owned 

I believe that every one of us wants to be a successful person, and on top of that, at the youngest age possible. To reach success at the young age is not an impossible thing. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder), David Karp (Tumblr founder), Pete Cashmore (Mashable founder), and any more, they reach success point at the age of 24-25. If being successful at the young age is an impossible thing, then, they will never be success as they are right now. Everything is possible, but of course we have to work extra hard to reach that point. J.K Rowling once said that "Anything is possible if we've got enough nerve to do so!".

I will share some keys to be successful at the young age that I cite from Billy Boen "Young On Top: 35 Kunci Sukses di Usia Muda" book. But, first let's take a look at a short profile of Billy Boen.

Billy Boen, born in Jakarta 38 years ago, is an Indonesian entrepreneur. At a relatively young age, He was a leader in some companies. In 2005, when he was 26 year-old, he was appointed to be general manager (GM) of PT. Oakley Indonesia and was the youngest Oakley GM that time. In late 2006, together with Rudhy Buntaram, owner of Optik Seis, he built his first company, PT. jakarta International management (JIM). (wikipedia)

Now moving on to the tips, Billy Boen listed 35 keys to be successful at the young age, but I will not share all of them (you have to buy the book to read all of them :P), I will generally share some, so here is the main keys to be successful at the young age:

1. Do What You Love & Love What You Do

In order to be success, you have to do what you love because doing something that is not your passion is hard and it will be harder to give your best. But, if you are doing what you love, even though it is hard, you will always find a way through and you will always happy in doing that. Thus, knowing what your passion is, is the key! never give up in finding things that set your soul on fire!

2 Integrity

Having integrity is no less important. In achieving you want, you need integrity. Integrity will make you do every thing honestly and consistently.

3. Dream & Think BIG

Don't be afraid of dreaming big things! Don't think that you will never reach that! Believe in those dreams and work your hardest to reach that.

4. Confidence

Having a big dream is a waste if you have no confidence. Being confident is important. If you have a big dream, you also need a high self-confidence. Thus, when you have worked your hardest to reach that dream you will success. Trust yourself. "What the mind can conceive, the man can achieve" -Clemente Stone

5. Never Give Up

Never give up to pursuit you dream. Give up is for looser. A winner is the one who never give up. Falling six times, getting up seven times. The way to a successful life is never an easy road. You will always find obstacles, but the key is to never give up.

6. Positive Thinking

Because basically think positively in every chance given will make you less anxious about everything. Thinking positively will make you capable in destroying 'walls' no matter how sturdy and big the 'walls' are.

7. Creativity

Creativity is not only needed in a creative aspect jobs. In almost every job, creativity is always needed. Whatever your job is, creativity will take you one step ahead. In order to be successful in every thing you do, you have to be creative. Start think creatively from now!

8. Learn from Mistakes

Every one of us makes mistakes, obviously. The difference is successful people learns from the mistakes they did. Mistakes will be mistakes if you don't take them as education for you. Don't be afraid in making mistakes. Even Thomas Alva Edison makes thousand of failed experiments before finally invented a lamp.

9. Extra Mile

"Keep challenging yourself, and make sure you always perform beyond expectation" -Billy Boen. Take one step ahead of others, don't limit yourself. Go out of your comfort zone, because there will be nothing achieved from your comfort zone.

10. Keep Searching

And the last keys that I will share is this. Billy Boen said that we have to keep searching for more knowledge. Don't easily satisfied with what you get. Sometimes being greedy (in positive ways) is good.

There you go 10 main keys to be successful at the young age I cited from Billy Boen's book. Generally, we all have different ways in defining success, but hope this can help you more or less to achieve your own definition-of-success. Be fearless to pursuit what makes your heart thumping hardly!

pic: tumblr

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