Minggu, 15 April 2018

Book Review: A Gift to Remember by Melissa Hill

“With some stories, you really can't rush things. And it's often best just to sit back and enjoy the journey for what it is.” 
Title: A Gift to Remember
Author: Melissa Hill
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Year: 2013

*the pic is just visualization

Darcy Archer is a bookworm. Her unstoppable love for books makes her resigned from her job in a fashion magazine and decided to work in a small book store. her neverending love for book is passed down from her parent. Unfortunately, her parents died in an accident when she was 12 leaving her with her only aunt.
Darcy Archer now is the manager of a small bookstore, Chaucer's, in Manhattan. She lived with her aunt until she graduated from high school. Her aunt is her only family. Katherine, her aunt, has always been wishing her the very best in life. She helped her got into the fashion magazine, but Darcy chose to quit.
"When work is soulless, life stifles and dies" is a quote from Albert Camus which Darcy gives as reason whenever her aunt could not make sense of her decision. Quitting from the magazine, she managed to got a manager position in Chaucer's bookstore. She likes being with book. That's all there is.
Being someone who loves book more than anyone in this world, Darcy has always has her own scenario relating to meet her s/o. She refuses to settle for anything less than being swept off her feet by the perfect man. Perhaps that is the reason why she has no man until now.
One day when cycling to work she could not control her bike (because of the snow) and accidentally hit a man walking with his dog unconscious. The ambulance came and took the man, who later found to be Harris, to the nearest hospital. His dog left behind with a box that seems to be a gift Harris brought for someone. Darcy pities the dog and tries to give the dog to Harris again but the hospital didn't allow it.

And Harris is amnesia. He could not remember everything.
Darcy feels that she is responsible for everything that happens to Harris and so she wants to make up for it. She tells Harris that she will help him bring back his memories again. So she tries to look every information regarding Harris and start to dive into the mysterious man's life. Wile diving into it, she finds herself fall in love with him.

My thought on this book is that it is beautifully written. I believe that every girl who is a bookworm will have their own fantasy regarding how will they meet their s/o. And I believe books they read have a big of influence.

The book succeeded in making almost every event happens in the book relatable. I can totally relate to everything Darcy wish to happen in her life in the book.

Overall it's a good book for those who likes to fantasize such romantic situation that will probably never happen in your life. In other words, this book is really suitable for daydreamers. I will give 8 out of 10 for this book.

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