Kamis, 26 April 2018

People Fall In Love In Mysterious Ways

People fall in love in mysterious way
Maybe just the touch of a hand


Love is something that is never a boring thing to be talked about

Until lately, I've been listening to people's (around me) love story. Some heart-warming, and some heart-breaking. I, myself, never really understand love. So, when my friends told me their love stories, most of the time, I will listen and sometimes give my opinions (if they asked). Having no clue what exactly love is, I still have the audacity to give them my opinion. Dear friends, please excuse me if sometimes my opinion just sounded nonsense:)

When I say I don't have a clue what love is, I mean it. I have no experience relating love at all. I don't think I have any experience being loved by someone:p unless my parents of course. I believe that they are the only one that have the biggest and the greatest love for me. I love you too ma, yah:)))))))

Being a 20-ish year old girl I could not resist to seek for love. They say that everything will happen in the right time, in the right place, and with the right people. They say that the right person will come eventually and all you have to do is just to wait. I mean, if everyone is told to wait, how will they meet? Yeah of course we have work for it as well. I am really curious of how two people can fall in love and then build a relationship and the the relationship succeed, I mean how in the world it happens? If you have the same curiousness as me, maybe this can help answer that:)

How people fall in love?

I actually read some articles about this and just want to compiled it here so there you go

First of all, the reason people fall in love is because the human nature of pair bonding. So, from what I have read, human naturally seek for pair bonding because it is their nature.

Everyone must have heard a saying that goes by "You have to love yourself first before someone else loves you" at least once in their lives. And apparently, it's true. The saying is true. Therefore, the most important thing to do is to love yourself first. You must have the kind of love that you give within yourself. Because when you seek for love from others, you will project love from your within if you love yourself and thus you will not come across as 'needy' person. You surely don't want to come across as needy, do you?

That was the most important thing to fall in love. There are still more left. Readiness also contributes, you will only find love when you are ready. Because the more you want to be in a relationship when, in fact, you are not ready for it yet, then the more self-esteem you will have. Similarity also has role when it comes to falling in love. They said that we will most likely fall in love with someone that share common traits, characteristics to us. Moreover, familiarity also could lead us to fall in love. The more familiar you are with the the higher chance you can fall in love with them. An then the list goes on and on and on. It's one-never-ending list.

So, id you want to be love, yoi first have to love your own self first. SELF LOVE IS THE KEY EVERYONE!!!

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