Senin, 16 April 2018

How to Not Care?

Being an over-thinker is really hard. Like you will think every-single-thing deeper than it actually is. Like if someone stare at you, you would think that they hate you, they judge you, basically all negativity will cross your mind. In fact, they are just coincidentally staring you or they just stare at you without any reasons.

 I am one of that person. I would say I am an over-thinker. I overthink so much. I think everything or every scenario that can happen whenever I will do something. Actually it's very exhausting. It drains my soul seriously. I really aspire to be someone who live their lives freely without think much. Overthinking builds a wall in my mind that make me feel like I am trapped. I can't express myself freely because even before I do something I will think every consequence, every possibility, every judgment, and other everies that I will faced. Isn't it sounds so tiring?

Being an over-thinker my self, I looked up the internet on how to not care, thus below are the ways I found from various sources. I compiled it here because I don't want to keep good things along. Good things are meant to be shared, aren't they?

5 Ways to Not Care (I actually still implementing these 5 ways so I hope it works):))))))

1. Hypnotized Yourself
No... it's not literally hypnotized yourself where you see and follow the direction of a watch and then sleep. No it's not it. What I mean is you should hypnotized yourself to think that people judgement is not everything. How? of course by telling yourself that"people judgement is nothing" over and over again to yourself. If you tell yourself over and over again your mind will eventually believe it and voila, you won't think much again. It sounds cliche I know but, yeah, It won't hurt to try.

2. Just Do It
I know it's a slogan of famous sneakers brand but seriously just do it. Don't think too much about doing something. Thinking too much will get you nowhere. Just do it, it's not your duty to worry about what will happen if you do something for the sake of love. Let future unfold itself. For now, just do it. Win the battle with you fear. Crush your fear. As long as what you do is right, don't be scared and don't think much. It sounds so simple I know I know. but try first and you will know.

3. Believe that You are Good Enough
This is very important. In order to not care about, basically, everything, you have to believe that you are good, you are worth, you deserve all the good things in this world, you are good enough. Don't let them make you think otherwise. Self-worth is really important. Once this stoned in your mind, no matter what people say about you, no matter judgment you get, you will always know that you are good enough, that you are capable, and that you are worth.

4. Just Let Them
Let the judge you. Literally, just let them. People like to judge, don't they? So let them. Let them judge you, let them reject you. Why? because their judgment is basically nothing. It has no impact in your life. Try this and you will realize that people's judgment has no meaning in your life. You will still get up of bed, eat, go to school, basically you still do every routines you do, nothing change. Rather than make them stop, it's better to not give a fudge.

5. Things Can Go Wrong
Last, but not least. Always keep in mind that things can go wrong whenever, wherever, to whoever. Don't blame yourself too much when things go wrong, it's not fully your mistake (or it's not your mistake at all). Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not your mistake, it's just that life is not on your side sometimes.
There you go 5 ways to not care, to not give a damn, to not give a fudge, or whatever you call it:)))))
I know everything is easier said that done. I am no better that you. I'm still struggling to not care also.

I know those are some cliche tips everyone knows. But it's just some tips, what matter the most is you. You are the one that can change your self. Once you are ready to change, the tips will work, no matter what tips it is.

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