Rabu, 04 Juli 2018

All or Nothing - Lang Leav (Tugas 4 Softskill)

All or Nothing - Lang Leav

If you love me
for what you see,
only your eyes would be 
in love with me   

If you love me
for what you’ve heard,
then you would love me
for my words.

If you love
my heart and mind,
then you will love me,
for all that I’m.

But if you don’t love
my every flaw,
then you mustn’t love me-
not at all.

Translated by Google Translate
All or Nothing (Semua atau Tidak)
                Jika Anda mencintai saya
karena apa yang Anda lihat,
hanya mata anda yang akan
jatuh cinta kepada saya.

Jika anda mencintai saya
karena apa yang Anda dengar,
maka Anda akan mencintaiku
untuk kata-kata saya.

Jika Anda mencintai
hati dan pikiran saya,
maka anda akan mencintai saya,
untuk semua itu saya.

Tetapi jika Anda tidak mencintai
setiap kekurangan saya,
maka Anda tidak boleh mencintai saya-
sama sekali.

Self-worked Translation
All or Nothing (Semua atau Tidak Sama Sekali)            

Jika kau mencintaiku                                             
karena penampilanku,
hanya matamu yang akan
jatuh cinta padaku.

Jika kau mencintaiku
Karena apa yang mereka katakan tentang aku,
maka kau akan jatuh cinta
pada apa yang aku katakan.

Jika kau mencintai
hati dan pikiranku,
maka kau akan mencintaiku
apa adanya

Namun jika kau tidak mencintai
segala kekuranganku,
maka kau tidak boleh mencintaiku
sama sekali.

pic credit to tumblr


Jumat, 22 Juni 2018

Taking (Something) For Granted

Taking something for granted is like a hobby, something that I do over and over again. I know that I should never take something or even someone for granted, but even tho I'm fully aware of that, I still take something or someone for granted.
I just lost my cat, Upin, just 2 days before Raya day. Losing him, made me realize, once again, that I should never take something or someone for granted. I know that every living things will die someday. I know that the seems-like-limitless-time I have will eventually come to an end. I know that this beautiful life I have will sooner or later find its end. But I still take them for granted. 
So, Upin died on Tuesday, 13th June 2018. He had lost his appetite since two days before, I tried ways to made him eat. Usually, when he had no appetite I would give him the food my self, made him smell it first. But strangely, it didn't work that day. On Monday I decided to take him to the vet. I went to the vet with my brother. The vet said that Upin had crystal on his kidney. I was sad. Extremely. Because I once had a cat before, named Bobi. Bobi died 3 years prior on 2015, November 29th to be exact, because of the same diagnosis. Bobi died because he had crystal on his kidney and he was also infected by a virus. So I felt like it was my fault. Then, the vet prescribed some medicines for him. I took the medicine, paid the bill, and took him home. I, my brother, and my dad all gave him the medicine. He took it with our help. He still didn't want to eat. But he drank the prepared water. 
Tuesday morning, even thou Upin was sick, he still could climb a wall in front of my house that is quite tall. Back and forth on top of that. I thought he was getting better because of the medicine. In the afternoon that day, he got into the house and slept in our living room. In the evening, around 5 pm he moved to our kitchen and slept near our bathroom. My brother notice that he could not move his body anymore. He was really weak. After having iftar, we--I, my bro, my mom, and my dad-- all gathered around him--crying. My mom hold him close, saying things like "If you want to go, then go. We are all will be alright" yes we believed that he understand what we said. My mom claimed that Upin cried. We all cried. We took him to our living room. He was really weak. He was in the brink of death. My mom told me to give him water. I put water to the syringe and put it in his mouth slowly. He drank it. Right after he drank, he made a weak meow, twice, and he is gone at around half past 7. It was really fast. Everything happened really fast. The vet prescribed the medicine for 5 day, but he only took it twice and died. We buried him in front of our house that night. 
Losing him make me regret many things. I keep on thinking why dont I play with him much, why dont I pat him much, why dont I spend my time with him much, and many more. I once read a quote that went by enough is never a word in front of death. Still, now that he is gone I regret it so much. 
Actually it happened before also. It happened to me several times--regretting not doing enough. It was when my grandma passed away 2 years ago. I knew, I was fully aware that my grandma was old, she was sick, I was aware that someday I would face days where she doesnt exist physically anymore. I love her so much, I share special bond with her as she was the one that took care of me since I was little. One day she was weak so much she couldnt get up from the bed. The family decided to took her to the hospital. She laid in the hospital room for almost a week until she breathed her last breath. She passed away in the hospital around 4 pm, 2 hours before I decided to went home as I had been staying almost awake in the hospital watching over her with my cousin, my aunt, and my uncle. The things I regret the most is I didnt hug her enough. I didnt tell her I love you enough. I didnt accompany her enough. I didnt really listen to her words. But there is nothing I could do now. 
This make me realize that taking someone or something for granted is like a sin. I constantly telling myself to not do it and then I do it again. The close example now is my parents. I tried to plant the idea in my mind but then I would act opposite. I dont want to feel any regret someday but I cant help it. I guess I'm just a human being that has flaws all over.
Gosh, tears pouring down my eyes as I write this.

Disclaimer: I don't own the pics. Credit to the owners.

Minggu, 06 Mei 2018

What La La Land Movie Implied

Have you watched La La Land Movie??????
It's so gooooooooddd for real.
It's been a while since I watched it actually but I just want to share it here in my blog. Cause the goodnees (?) I got from the movie is lasting longer than I predicted. The movie left a special impression in meeeee. It's one of the musical film that i loveeee <3
You can see the poster above. Just by looking at the poster making me feel somewhat dreamy. I dont know why though it's just happened that way. And the title also takes part, I mean doesnt it make you feel dreamy when you read the title? Like it's La La Land. The alliteration tho.
The movie itself tells a story about a woman, Mia, an aspiring actress. She wants to be an actress and works part time as a barista in coffee shop located inside the gate in one of the major Hollywood studio. She occasionally met Sebastian, who just like her, is in search of a way to make the dreams come true. Sebastian is an struggling jazz pianist. He wants to open a jazz cafe. They eventually get close and build a relationship together. They support each other dreams. However things gone wrong and they work hard to make it right. 
Seriously please watch it. The movie is so underrated it deserve more recognition. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stones duo is just kewl. They dance and sing in the movie and i dont know how to describe it so please watch. They never disappoint me. It's highly recommended:))))
The moral values are wrapped neatly along with the story line. I dare say that it is the exact portrait of real life. Frankly, i got reality check the moment i finished watching this movie. It portrays what most of common and ordinary people experiencing in real life. We struggle to survive in this life to make our dreams come true. Life is like a roller coaster, and it's super true. 
The movie shows that in order to reach your dream, you have to work extra hard. Blood, sweat, and tears are not enough. And holding on to your dream is even harder. You might have fantasies that you will successfully achieve your dreams, yes it will happen of course, but only if you holding on to it and believe in yourself while push yourself till the limit. This movie shows us what kind of way will we face in achieving our dreams. "It's gonna be a long, complicated way, but it's definitely worth it" I feel like if the movie were a person, that's what it will say. 
Also, it's not always happy ending in real life. Sadly, the ending of the movie is not a happy ending for Mia and Sebastian's relationship, but they indeed get to achieve their dreams. Sacrifices is a sure thing when you want get your dreams. In this case, Mia and Seb sacrifice their relationship. It's sad for me as I cheer for their relationship to lead to a happy life but it turned out differently:((((
You will have to choose many things and sacrifice anything along the way. Many people will come and go through your life. But those who stay with you are priceless. Be grateful for having them. 
All in all, this movie makes me got a reality check. I know all along that life is not always beautiful. That it's gonna be a difficult way to get through but it's good to know that if you believe in your dreams, believe in your self, keep working hard, and never give up, everything that you've ever dream of will come true is good. It's good to know that I am not the only one having hard times. We all are. It's good to know that I'm not alone in this journey because everyone is struggling as well.
This is a song Mia sings in her audition that make her actress. Seriously the lyrics is really awesome, it soothes my soul and touches my heart every time I listen to it. It energizes me, it makes me believe in my dream all over again. and I'm not kidding.

The Fools Who Dream (Lyrics)
My aunt used to live in Paris 
I remember, she used to come home and tell us these stories about being abroad 
And I remember she told us that she jumped into the river once, barefoot
She smiled
Leapt, without looking
And tumbled into the Seine
The water was freezing
She spent a month sneezing
But said she would do it again
Here's to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that ache
Here's to the mess we make
She captured a feeling
Sky with no ceiling
The sunset inside a frame
She lived in her liquor
And died with a flicker
I'll always remember the flame
Here's to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that ache
Here's to the mess we make
She told me
"A bit of madness is key
To give us new colors to see
Who knows where it will lead us?
And that's why they need us"
So bring on the rebels
The ripples from pebbles
The painters, and poets, and plays
And here's to the fools who dream
Crazy as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that break
Here's to the mess we make
I trace it all back to then
Her, and the snow, and the Seine
Smiling through it
She said she'd do it again
Video credit to the owner.

Tugas 3 Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Meghan Markle Ties the Knot -- But Not With Prince Harry
Britain's Prince Harry's fiancee US actress Meghan Markle attends an event with the prince hosted by social enterprise Stemettes to celebrate International Women's Day at Millennium Point in Birmingham on March 8, 2018. (AFP/Ian Vogler)
A little less than a month before her royal wedding to Britain's Prince Harry, Meghan Markle has said "I do" -- on television.
Markle fans who can't wait until the actress walks down the aisle next month can tune into the seventh season finale of the legal drama "Suits" -- which sees Markle's character Rachel tie the knot with Mike, played by Patrick J. Adams.
"I wanted to marry you from the second I met you," Mike says in a preview of the episode, to air Wednesday.
"You are the husband I've always wanted," Rachel says, marking a happy ending for the two actors leaving the series.
"We know there's another wedding on the horizon for Ms. Markle but just seeing her here in all of her bridal resplendence is a fairytale come true," said the network USA, which airs the series, on its website.
The characters Mike and Rachel had already tried getting married in a previous season -- but police arrested the former and thwarted the nuptial plans. 
Shortly after announcing her engagement to Prince Harry, the future Duchess, 36, said she would leaving acting to focus on humanitarian work.
Her final appearance on "Suits" -- in which she has starred since 2011 -- will be a dress rehearsal of sorts for her big day on May 19, when she will marry Prince Harry in a chapel inside Windsor Castle before 600 invited guests.
Another 2,640 people will be welcomed onto the castle grounds.
American, mixed-race and "fiercely independent," Markle is widely seen as a breath of fresh air for Britain's royal family.
"I was born and raised in Los Angeles, a California girl who lives by the ethos that most things can be cured with either yoga, the beach, or a few avocados," she once wrote. 
She will be the second American to join the British monarchy after socialite Wallis Simpson -- who married King Edward VIII after he abdicated, and like Markle had once divorced prior to marrying royalty.

P.S: The idiomatic expressions are in bold

Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2018/04/25/meghan-markle-ties-the-knot----but-not-with-prince-harry.html

Translated by Google Translate
Meghan Markle Mengikat Simpul -- Tapi Tidak Dengan Pangeran Harry
Pangeran Inggris Harry, aktris AS, Meghan Markle menghadiri acara dengan pangeran yang diselenggarakan oleh perusahaan sosial Stemettes untuk merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional di Millennium Point di Birmingham pada 8 Maret 2018. (AFP / Ian Vogler)
Sedikit kurang dari sebulan sebelum pernikahan kerajaannya dengan Pangeran Harry di Inggris, Meghan Markle mengatakan "saya lakukan" - di televisi.
Penggemar Markle yang tidak bisa menunggu sampai aktris berjalan di lorong bulan depan dapat menyetel ke akhir musim ketujuh dari drama hukum "Suits" - yang melihat karakter Markle Rachel mengikat simpul dengan Mike, dimainkan oleh Patrick J. Adams.
"Aku ingin menikah denganmu sejak aku bertemu denganmu," kata Mike dalam preview episode itu, untuk ditayangkan Rabu.
"Kamu adalah suami yang selalu kuinginkan," kata Rachel, menandai akhir yang bahagia bagi dua aktor yang meninggalkan serial itu.
"Kami tahu ada pernikahan lain di cakrawala untuk Ms Markle tetapi hanya melihat dia di sini di semua kemegahan pengantinnya adalah dongeng yang menjadi kenyataan," kata jaringan USA, yang mengudarakan seri, di situs webnya.
Karakter Mike dan Rachel sudah mencoba menikah pada musim sebelumnya - tetapi polisi menangkap mantan dan menggagalkan rencana pernikahan.
Tak lama setelah mengumumkan pertunangannya dengan Pangeran Harry, Duchess masa depan, 36, mengatakan dia akan meninggalkan akting untuk fokus pada pekerjaan kemanusiaan.
Penampilan terakhirnya di "Suits" - di mana ia telah membintangi sejak 2011 - akan menjadi semacam gladi resik untuk hari besarnya pada 19 Mei, ketika ia akan menikahi Pangeran Harry di sebuah kapel di dalam Istana Windsor sebelum 600 tamu undangan.
Lain 2.640 orang akan disambut ke pekarangan benteng.
Amerika, ras campuran dan "sangat independen," Markle secara luas dilihat sebagai angin segar bagi keluarga kerajaan Inggris.
"Saya lahir dan dibesarkan di Los Angeles, seorang gadis California yang hidup dengan etos bahwa kebanyakan hal dapat disembuhkan dengan yoga, pantai, atau beberapa alpukat," tulisnya sekali.
Dia akan menjadi orang Amerika kedua yang bergabung dengan monarki Inggris setelah sosialis Wallis Simpson - yang menikah dengan Raja Edward VIII setelah dia turun tahta, dan seperti Markle pernah bercerai sebelum menikahi bangsawan.

Translated Manually by Rahmaluttifah
Megan Markle Menikah – Namun Bukan Dengan Pangeran Harry
Megan Markle, seorang aktris Amerika yang juga merupakan tunangan dari pangeran Inggries, Harry, menghadiri sebuah acara untuk merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional yang diadakan oleh perusahaan Sosial Stemettes di Millenium Poin, Birmingham pada 8 Maret 2018 bersama Pangeran Harry. (AFP/Ian Vogler)
Kurang dari sebulan menuju pernikahannya dengan Pangeran Harry, Megan Markle sudah mengikrarkan “janji sucinya” – di televisi.
Para penggemar Markle yang tidak bisa menunggu momen sang aktris berjalan di altar bulan depan dapan menyaksikan musim akhir dari drama “Suits” – dimana karakter dari Markle menikah dengan Mike yang diperankan oleh Patrick J. Adams.
“Aku ingin menikahimu sejak pertama kali aku bertemu dengan mu,” Ucap Mike pada cuplikan dari episode tersebut yang akan ditayangkan pada Rabu.
“Kau adalah seorang suami yang selalu aku idamkan,” Jawab Rachel sebagai tanda bahwa aka nada akhir bahagia pada akhir drama tersebut.
“Kami tahu ada pernikahan lain untuk Nona Markle namun melihatnya dalam balutan gaun pernikahan seperti dongeng yang menjadi kenyataan,” ucap USA network yang menayangkan drama itu di website mereka.
Karakter Mike dan Rachel sudah mencoba untuk menikah di musim sebelumnya – namun polisi menangkap mereka dan menggagalkan upacara pernikahannya.
Setelah mengumumkan pertunangannya dengan Pangeran Harry, Markle yang akan menjadi Putri, 36, pun berkata bahwa Ia akan meninggalkan dunia akting untuk focus pada aktifitas kemanusiaan.
Penampilah terakhirnya di “Suits” – yang mana telah menampilkannya sejak 2011 – akan menjadi pelatihannya untuk menggunakan gaun utnuk hari besarnya pada 19 Mei, ketika Ia akan menikah dengan Pangeran Harry di sebuah gereja didalam Windsor Castle dihadapan 600 tamu undangan.
Sebanyak 2,640 orang akan berada di halaman kerajaan.
Seorang Amerika, berras campuran dan “seorang mandiri yang kuat,” Markle dianggap sebagai seorang baru yang menyegarkan untuk keluarga kerajaan Inggris.
“Aku dilahirkan di Los Angeles, seorang gadis Kalifornia yang hidup berdasarkan kepercayaan bahwa segala hal dapat disembuhkan dengan beryoga, pantai, atau sedikit alpukat,” akunya.
Ia akan menjadi orang Amerika kedua yang bergabung dengan kerajaan Inggris setelah bangsawan Walis Simpson – yang menikah dengan Raja Edward VIII setelah beliau turun takhta, dan sama seperti Markle yang pernah bercerai sebelum menikah dengan anggota kerajaan.


Kamis, 26 April 2018

People Fall In Love In Mysterious Ways

People fall in love in mysterious way
Maybe just the touch of a hand


Love is something that is never a boring thing to be talked about

Until lately, I've been listening to people's (around me) love story. Some heart-warming, and some heart-breaking. I, myself, never really understand love. So, when my friends told me their love stories, most of the time, I will listen and sometimes give my opinions (if they asked). Having no clue what exactly love is, I still have the audacity to give them my opinion. Dear friends, please excuse me if sometimes my opinion just sounded nonsense:)

When I say I don't have a clue what love is, I mean it. I have no experience relating love at all. I don't think I have any experience being loved by someone:p unless my parents of course. I believe that they are the only one that have the biggest and the greatest love for me. I love you too ma, yah:)))))))

Being a 20-ish year old girl I could not resist to seek for love. They say that everything will happen in the right time, in the right place, and with the right people. They say that the right person will come eventually and all you have to do is just to wait. I mean, if everyone is told to wait, how will they meet? Yeah of course we have work for it as well. I am really curious of how two people can fall in love and then build a relationship and the the relationship succeed, I mean how in the world it happens? If you have the same curiousness as me, maybe this can help answer that:)

How people fall in love?

I actually read some articles about this and just want to compiled it here so there you go

First of all, the reason people fall in love is because the human nature of pair bonding. So, from what I have read, human naturally seek for pair bonding because it is their nature.

Everyone must have heard a saying that goes by "You have to love yourself first before someone else loves you" at least once in their lives. And apparently, it's true. The saying is true. Therefore, the most important thing to do is to love yourself first. You must have the kind of love that you give within yourself. Because when you seek for love from others, you will project love from your within if you love yourself and thus you will not come across as 'needy' person. You surely don't want to come across as needy, do you?

That was the most important thing to fall in love. There are still more left. Readiness also contributes, you will only find love when you are ready. Because the more you want to be in a relationship when, in fact, you are not ready for it yet, then the more self-esteem you will have. Similarity also has role when it comes to falling in love. They said that we will most likely fall in love with someone that share common traits, characteristics to us. Moreover, familiarity also could lead us to fall in love. The more familiar you are with the the higher chance you can fall in love with them. An then the list goes on and on and on. It's one-never-ending list.

So, id you want to be love, yoi first have to love your own self first. SELF LOVE IS THE KEY EVERYONE!!!

Senin, 16 April 2018

How to Not Care?

Being an over-thinker is really hard. Like you will think every-single-thing deeper than it actually is. Like if someone stare at you, you would think that they hate you, they judge you, basically all negativity will cross your mind. In fact, they are just coincidentally staring you or they just stare at you without any reasons.

 I am one of that person. I would say I am an over-thinker. I overthink so much. I think everything or every scenario that can happen whenever I will do something. Actually it's very exhausting. It drains my soul seriously. I really aspire to be someone who live their lives freely without think much. Overthinking builds a wall in my mind that make me feel like I am trapped. I can't express myself freely because even before I do something I will think every consequence, every possibility, every judgment, and other everies that I will faced. Isn't it sounds so tiring?

Being an over-thinker my self, I looked up the internet on how to not care, thus below are the ways I found from various sources. I compiled it here because I don't want to keep good things along. Good things are meant to be shared, aren't they?

5 Ways to Not Care (I actually still implementing these 5 ways so I hope it works):))))))

1. Hypnotized Yourself
No... it's not literally hypnotized yourself where you see and follow the direction of a watch and then sleep. No it's not it. What I mean is you should hypnotized yourself to think that people judgement is not everything. How? of course by telling yourself that"people judgement is nothing" over and over again to yourself. If you tell yourself over and over again your mind will eventually believe it and voila, you won't think much again. It sounds cliche I know but, yeah, It won't hurt to try.

2. Just Do It
I know it's a slogan of famous sneakers brand but seriously just do it. Don't think too much about doing something. Thinking too much will get you nowhere. Just do it, it's not your duty to worry about what will happen if you do something for the sake of love. Let future unfold itself. For now, just do it. Win the battle with you fear. Crush your fear. As long as what you do is right, don't be scared and don't think much. It sounds so simple I know I know. but try first and you will know.

3. Believe that You are Good Enough
This is very important. In order to not care about, basically, everything, you have to believe that you are good, you are worth, you deserve all the good things in this world, you are good enough. Don't let them make you think otherwise. Self-worth is really important. Once this stoned in your mind, no matter what people say about you, no matter judgment you get, you will always know that you are good enough, that you are capable, and that you are worth.

4. Just Let Them
Let the judge you. Literally, just let them. People like to judge, don't they? So let them. Let them judge you, let them reject you. Why? because their judgment is basically nothing. It has no impact in your life. Try this and you will realize that people's judgment has no meaning in your life. You will still get up of bed, eat, go to school, basically you still do every routines you do, nothing change. Rather than make them stop, it's better to not give a fudge.

5. Things Can Go Wrong
Last, but not least. Always keep in mind that things can go wrong whenever, wherever, to whoever. Don't blame yourself too much when things go wrong, it's not fully your mistake (or it's not your mistake at all). Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not your mistake, it's just that life is not on your side sometimes.
There you go 5 ways to not care, to not give a damn, to not give a fudge, or whatever you call it:)))))
I know everything is easier said that done. I am no better that you. I'm still struggling to not care also.

I know those are some cliche tips everyone knows. But it's just some tips, what matter the most is you. You are the one that can change your self. Once you are ready to change, the tips will work, no matter what tips it is.

Minggu, 15 April 2018

Book Review: A Gift to Remember by Melissa Hill

“With some stories, you really can't rush things. And it's often best just to sit back and enjoy the journey for what it is.” 
Title: A Gift to Remember
Author: Melissa Hill
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Year: 2013

*the pic is just visualization

Darcy Archer is a bookworm. Her unstoppable love for books makes her resigned from her job in a fashion magazine and decided to work in a small book store. her neverending love for book is passed down from her parent. Unfortunately, her parents died in an accident when she was 12 leaving her with her only aunt.
Darcy Archer now is the manager of a small bookstore, Chaucer's, in Manhattan. She lived with her aunt until she graduated from high school. Her aunt is her only family. Katherine, her aunt, has always been wishing her the very best in life. She helped her got into the fashion magazine, but Darcy chose to quit.
"When work is soulless, life stifles and dies" is a quote from Albert Camus which Darcy gives as reason whenever her aunt could not make sense of her decision. Quitting from the magazine, she managed to got a manager position in Chaucer's bookstore. She likes being with book. That's all there is.
Being someone who loves book more than anyone in this world, Darcy has always has her own scenario relating to meet her s/o. She refuses to settle for anything less than being swept off her feet by the perfect man. Perhaps that is the reason why she has no man until now.
One day when cycling to work she could not control her bike (because of the snow) and accidentally hit a man walking with his dog unconscious. The ambulance came and took the man, who later found to be Harris, to the nearest hospital. His dog left behind with a box that seems to be a gift Harris brought for someone. Darcy pities the dog and tries to give the dog to Harris again but the hospital didn't allow it.

And Harris is amnesia. He could not remember everything.
Darcy feels that she is responsible for everything that happens to Harris and so she wants to make up for it. She tells Harris that she will help him bring back his memories again. So she tries to look every information regarding Harris and start to dive into the mysterious man's life. Wile diving into it, she finds herself fall in love with him.

My thought on this book is that it is beautifully written. I believe that every girl who is a bookworm will have their own fantasy regarding how will they meet their s/o. And I believe books they read have a big of influence.

The book succeeded in making almost every event happens in the book relatable. I can totally relate to everything Darcy wish to happen in her life in the book.

Overall it's a good book for those who likes to fantasize such romantic situation that will probably never happen in your life. In other words, this book is really suitable for daydreamers. I will give 8 out of 10 for this book.

Sabtu, 07 April 2018

Tugas 2 Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Original article 
source: SindoNews

Ultrabook Generasi Baru Ideal untuk Kaum Milenial

JAKARTA - Asus memperkenalkan ultrabook terbarunya dengan fitur flip yang dapat bertransformasi ke dalam empat bentuk. Dinamakan dengan Asus ZenBook Flip UX461, ultrabook premium ini membawa banyak fitur-fitur terbaik dari lini ZenBook sebelumnya, salah satunya adalah engsel ekslusif ergolift hinge yang dapat diputar hinga 360° serta desainnya stylish dan trendy.

Dengan bentang layar 14 inci, Asus membekalinya dengan sistem operasi Microsoft Windows 10 Home dengan resolusi layar FHD 1920x1080. “ZenBook Flip UX461 adalah perangkat yang diperuntukan bagi para profesional muda yang punya mobilitas dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya. Produk ini juga sangat pas bersanding dengan generasi millenials yang memiliki concern dengan dunia fotografi, influencer, konten kreator, hingga business traveler,” ucap Galip Fu, Country Marketing Manager Asus Indonesia, Selasa (20/3/2018).

Alasan yang membuat produk yang satu ini cocok dengan segmen tersebut, Galip menambahkan, adalah karena berkat bobotnya yang ringan hanya 1,4Kg serta ketebalan 1,3 centimeter. Selain itu, daya tahan baterainya yang mencapai 12 jam membuat perangkat ini sangat ideal untuk digunakan dalam berbagai situasi.
“ZenBook Flip UX461 mewarisi seluruh DNA yang milik ZenBook klasik, namun kali ini dibuat lebih halus sehingga semakin memberikan kesan solid,” ujar Galip.

Spesifikasi notebook ini ditopang oleh RAM LPDDR3 performa tinggi sebesar 16GB 2133MHz serta penggunaan PCIe SSD M.2 sebesar 512GB. Untuk konektivitas, port USB 3.0 Type-A dan sebuah port USB 3.1 Type-C disediakan untuk menghubungkan perangkat eksternal masa kini.

Tak hanya itu, demi menunjang produktivitas bekerja, keyboard pada Zenbook UX461memiliki fitur backlight. Fitur ini sangat bermanfaat bagi pengguna yang kerap bekerja hingga malam hari atau saat lampu ruangan sudah dimatikan.

Namun sayangnya dalam hal ini Asus masih belum mengumumkan berapa banderol dari ZenBook Flip UX461.

Translated by google translate

Ultrabook Ideal New Generation for the Millenials

JAKARTA - Asus introduced its newest ultrabook with flip feature that can be transformed into four forms. Named with the Asus ZenBook Flip UX461, this premium ultrabook brings many of the best features of the previous ZenBook line, one of which is the exclusive hinge ergolift hinge that can be rotated 360° and its stylish and trendy design.

With 14-inch landscape display, Asus membekalinya with Microsoft operating system Windows 10 Home with 1920x1080 FHD screen resolution. "ZenBook Flip UX461 is a device that is intended for young professionals who have mobility in running their business activities. This product is also very fitting along with millennials who have concerns with the world of photography, influencers, creator content, to business travelers," said Galip Fu, Country Marketing Manager of Asus Indonesia, Tuesday (20/3/2018).

The reason that makes this one product match with the segment, Galip added, is because thanks to the light weight of only 1.4Kg and 1.3 centimeters thickness. In addition, battery endurance reaching 12 hours makes this device is ideal for use in various situations. "ZenBook Flip UX461 inherits all of the DNA that belongs to the classic ZenBook, but this time it's made softer it gives the impression of solidity," Galip said.

This notebook specification is supported by high performance LPDDR3 RAM of 16GB 2133MHz and the use of PCIe SSD M.2 of 512GB. For connectivity, a USB 3.0 Type-A port and a USB 3.1 Type-C port are provided to connect today's external devices.

Not only that, in order to support productivity work, the keyboard on Zenbook UX461 has a backlight feature. This feature is very useful for users who often work until the night or when the room lights have been turned off.

But unfortunately in this case Asus still has not announced how much the tag of ZenBook Flip UX461.

Translated manually by Rahmaluttifah

The New Generation of Ultrabook is Ideal for the Millenials

JAKARTA - Asus introduced its newest ultrabook with flip feature capable of transformating into four shapes. Named Asus Zenbook Flip UX461, this premium ultrabook brings many best features from the previous line of Zenbook, one of which is the exclusive hinge ergolift hinge that can be rotated 360 ° and also its stylish and trendy design.

With 14 inch display, Asus equipped it with Microsoft Windows 10 Home operation system and FHD 1920x1080 screen resolution. “Zenbook Flip UX461 is a device for those young professionals having the mobility to run their businesses. This product also is perfectly fitted millenials who have particular concern toward photography, influencer, content creator, and business traveller,” said Galip Fu, Country Marketing Manager of Asus Indonesia , Tuesday (20/3/2018).

The reason behind it is, Galip added, because of the light weight of the device. It only weighted 1,4 kg with 1,3 centimetre thick. Besides, the capability of the battery that can stay up to 12 hours makes the device ideal to be used in any situation. “Zenbook Flip UX461 has all DNA from the classic Zenbook, but this time it is made softer so it gives more solid impression,” said Galip.

This notebook is supported by high performance LPDDR3 RAM of 16GB 2133MHz and the use of PCIe SSD M.2 of 512GB.  For the connectivity, USB 3.0 port Type-A and a USB 3.1 port Type-C are available to connect external device.

In addition, in order to support productivity, Zenbook UX461 keyboard has backlight feature. This feature is very useful to the user working until the night or when the lights turned off.

Unfortunately, Asus have not yet announced how much this ZenBook Flip UX461 costs.
